The California Basic Educational Skills Test™ (CBEST®) consists of three sections: Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. CBEST test specifications, including information about the skills eligible for testing in each section, are available on the CBEST website by selecting "Test Specifications."
Reading section. The questions in this section assess examinees' ability to comprehend information presented in written passages, tables, and graphs. The materials used in the test will vary in level of difficulty and complexity and are drawn from a variety of subject areas. No questions require outside knowledge; all the questions are related to a particular passage and can be answered on the basis of information provided in the passage.
The Reading section questions are from two major skill areas: critical analysis and evaluation, and comprehension and research skills.
Mathematics section. The questions in this section require examinees to solve mathematical problems. Most of the questions are presented as word problems.
The Mathematics section questions are from three major skill areas: estimation, measurement, and statistical principles; computation and problem solving; and numerical and graphic relationships.
Writing section. This section includes two writing topics that assess examinees' ability to write effectively. One topic asks examinees to analyze a given situation or statement; the other asks them to write about a specified personal experience.
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